The Civic Coat of Arms is probably the most important emblem of a municipality. It reflects the history of the place and marks the main symbols of a locality. It is the institutional image of a parish, town or city. Now a days the Civic Heraldry plays a fundamental role in the identification of a municipality, as well as in the dissemination of its image by its institutional (website, posters, stationery, car fleet, etc.) and leisure (parties, pilgrimages, festivals, events, etc.) activities. The importance of a civic coat of arms is all too obvious: it confers prestige and historical importance and is the main symbol around which all citizens review and are proud of. A Civic Coat of Arms should be modern and reflect a contemporary, well-designed and stylish image. That’s what we propose to our customers.
Above the civic escutcheon are the civic-crowns, with 3, 4 or 5 towers, depending on the importance of the locality. The flag of the parish or town, is another heraldic element associated with its coat of arms.
- Exemplo 25
- Exemplo 24
- Exemplo 23
- Exemplo 22
- Exemplo 21 (selo branco)
- Exemplo 20
- Exemplo 19
- Exemplo 18
- Exemplo 17
- Exemplo 16
- Exemplo 15
- Exemplo 14
- Exemplo 13
- Exemplo 12
- Exemplo 11
- Exemplo 10
- Exemplo 9
- Exemplo 8
- Exemplo 7
- Exemplo 6
- Exemplo 5
- Exemplo 4
- Exemplo 3
- Exemplo 2
- Exemplo 1